Saturday, July 31, 2004

I Always Knew I Hated Uranus

I went to an astrologer yesterday. I thought it would be an interesting endeaver before taking off for the far side of the world. She also determined my Jungian archetypes. Most people have 5 archetypes; I have 7. The archetypes themselves didn't really surprise me. I'm a mystic, an artist priestess, a warrior, a teacher and a nourishing mother. Ironically, my shadow-self is a combination of wisewoman healer and dark mother. So, I'm a nourishing mother and a dark mother. The way I figure it, I must have Munchausen by Proxy.

I have something called a Grand Square in my chart. I was told that they are rare and that they present "a tremendous opportunity for growth" which is, of course, a euphamism for "problem." She knew immediately that the last couple of years of my life have been turbulent. She explained that Uranus is on Virgo and is squaring Jupiter. Pluto is on my Midheaven and will square my Dark Moon this winter. I asked her when things would settle down for me, and she said meekly, "Well, Pluto moves very slowly. It should stop impacting you so strongly 2 years from Christmas time." TWO YEARS FROM CHRISTMAS! As if that weren't enough, she gently added, "You might want to watch your health."

I asked her if she had any good news for me. I reminded her at this pointed that I was paying for the reading. Her good news was, "Pluto and Uranus will only be in these positions once in your life." Well, at least I have that to hold onto.

Friday, July 23, 2004

Pup Goes the Weasel

My wonderful companion and friend, Yoshi, spent a few days at her daddy's house. I just picked her up, and have taken her to a new house, with new furniture, new people and new smells. We will be staying here until we leave town in early August. For those who are unaware, Yoshi is a Japanese Chin who is practically the only "possession" I took with me when I moved out of my home a couple months back. As I watch her roaming around her new environment, I am amused and inspired by her routine. In the past hour, she has attempted to explore behind and under each piece of furniture. She has gone upstairs, then downstairs at least 4 times. She has sniffed and attempted to eat various little particles she has found on the floors. She has also licked their books and stood in the middle of their dining room table. Playwright Patrick Shanley once said, "Almost everyone you see, meet, talk asleep. Only a few of us are wide awake, and we live in a constant state of amazement." I hope to one day be as awake as my dog.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

I've lost all the old ways. I'm looking for new ways

Hello all.  This is my blog.  I got the idea from my boyfriend, who in turn had gotten the idea from someone else.  It's like a communicable disease -- no wait, a communicatable disease.  At any rate, I'll be writing periodic updates about how my life is going.  I'm sure I'll be including plenty of annecdotes, opinions and such.  It seems that almost every aspect of my life has changed over the past several months.   So, as the Buffett song goes, "I've lost all the old ways.  I'm looking for new ways.  Putting it all on the line." 

I'm going to Taiwan.  My flight leaves around 10 PM on August, 19th.   I will have a couple weeks of training, then it's off to Longtan, Taiwan.  I had hoped to be teaching preschoolers as well as school aged children, but I was informed today that the preschool program will not be immediately available to me.  I'm looking forward to my trip anyway.

Please respond when you have something to say.  Otherwise, it's just me talking to myself.   I am frequently facinated by what I say.  It's often followed quickly with, "I can't believe I just said that!" but, I want to know what you have to say as well.