Saturday, June 17, 2006

Here I am

So much time has passed that I feel tempted to just start over with a new blog. It seems fitting, however, to pick up the pieces with this one. I've learned that picking up the pieces is one of life's most valuable skills.

During my senior year of college, my best freng and I rented a duplex apartment together. It was one of a small group of metal sided duplicated duplexes in the fenced semi-circle that we affectionately referred to as "the commune." A young family resided in the other half of our duplex. Frequently we'd be greeted by our 5 year old neighbor. He'd fling the door open, put his hands on his hips and, looking quite exasperated, would say, "Well, there you are!"

I moved to Taiwan to start a new life, and I did. In fact, it eventually became a very good life. I had amazing adventures and made a good friend who was very accepting, fun and insightful. More importantly, though, I started feeling like myself again.

Then, last winter, I, once again, had to start a new life. I left Taiwan and am now living in Spokane. My mom has become ill, and it's time to dedicate some of my energy to making things right for her. I didn't jump into this new life quite so enthusiastically. I didn't want to leave Taiwan, my students or my friend. I believe I'm in the right place though, and I see a lot of possibilities. My transformation back into myself is almost complete as well. I step back and watch myself interacting with the world, and I remember that I used to know that girl. Man, is she weird.

So, to those who may have noticed my absence from this blog, and to me, who recognized my absence from this life, I'd like to say, "Well, here I am!"


At August 2, 2006 at 2:27 AM, Blogger Cromely said...

If I haven't mentioned it yet, Welcome Back.


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